
How to Get LEI certification

To register for a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), you typically need to follow these steps: 1. Choose an LEI issuing organization: LEIs are assigned by accredited organizations known as Local Operating Units (LOUs). You need to select an LOU that operates in your jurisdiction or serves your business needs. You can find a list of accredited LOUs on the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) website. 2. Gather required information: Prepare the necessary information about your organization. The exact details may vary depending on the LOU and the jurisdiction, but generally, you will need to provide: - Legal entity name: The official name of your organization. - Legal form: The legal structure of your organization (e.g., corporation, partnership, trust). - Registered address: The official address where your organization is registered. - Headquarters address: The primary location where your organization conducts its business activities. - Business registry detail

How to search for LEI registered in the whole world !!!

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